- Monday - Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM EST
- 352-236-5800
We are human centric. The human experience and desired results is all that matters; we start with that and work our way back.
The path to success is riddled with failures. We are not afraid to fail and learn. We analyze what went wrong, make adjustments, and try again.
We make it easy on ourselves and others. We don’t over engineer what we create internally and externally which means we can execute quickly.
INCUE is the sum of its people. For INCUE to be successful, then each person must be successful and it’s our duty to be positive, provide feedback and coaching to help each other become better.
It’s all about rolling our sleeves, getting things done fast, and making a real impact. It means taking charge, tackling challenges head-on, and delivering results without wasting time.
Boiled Peanuts. Yes, boiled peanuts are the story of how the INCUE cutting-edge ICRA automation system came to be.
We entered healthcare construction back in 1996. We were on the front lines and understood demoing spaces, swinging hammers, hanging drywall, and setting up this new thing called ICRA (Infection Control Risk Assessment) created by the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) that appeared that year in Facility Guidelines Institute’s Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Healthcare Facilities.
Years later, we decided to strike it out independently and create our own healthcare construction company. At the first meeting of the new company, we told everyone some good news and bad news. The bad news was that we had enough cash to cover everyone’s salary for two months. The good news was we had coolers of boiled peanuts that we had made the night before. The mission of everyone in the company that day was to take bags of these boiled peanuts to every construction site they had a relationship with to give those away and try to drum up business. By the end of the day, we had jobs lined up and we were off to the races.